2023 Prom Information is here! Please use the links below to access the 2023 Prom Informational Letter as well as the Dress Code Presentation.
Make sure you are Raptor Ready and we'll see you there!
Letter https://bit.ly/3vaygh4
Dress Code https://bit.ly/3WC9K4k
Please make sure you are ready on Thursday, Feb. 2nd for your cap & gown pictures
Picture order form: https://5il.co/1nsc2
These pictures will be used in the graduation program and on your yard sign
Any questions, email Ms. Bjork, jbjork@rich227.org
Learn more about important information regarding our new Evening School program, Class of 2023 graduation information and more. Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates.https://www.rich227.org/page/superintendents-message
Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSn43-gq0rY
*Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
Below you will find the Senior Newsletter that explains everything you'll need to know about the next few months!
This information can also be located on the district website, by clicking on the Student/Parent tab at the top of the page.
Look at What's New at Rich Township High School.
Accepting new or gently used items to support our Raptors in need.
Reach out to Dr. Lowery, Associate Principal of Operations at the STEM campus for more information
tlowery@rich227.org - (708)679-5776
On behalf of our school district, we want to thank everyone that donated to help the family!
Please make sure you are ready on Thursday, Feb. 2nd for your cap & gown pictures
Picture order form: https://5il.co/1nsc2
These pictures will be used in the graduation program and on your yard sign
Any questions, email Ms. Bjork, jbjork@rich227.org
2023 Prom Information is here! Please use the links below to access the 2023 Prom Informational Letter as well as the Dress Code Presentation. Make sure you are Raptor Ready and we'll see you there!
Dress Code
On Sunday, January 22nd, our Special Olympics Basketball team took the gold in their division, beating Kankakee and ATP to qualify for the State Tournament, being held at ISU in Bloomington in March. Way to go, Raptors! We are so proud of you.
Learn more about important information regarding course selection, Prom 2023 information and more. Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. https://www.rich227.org/page/superintendents-message
Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUGIX079ccQ
*Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
ICYMI. Use the links below to view our past episodes and our new episode will be released shortly!
Episode 1: https://youtu.be/zlYH6wiWtFE
Episode 2: https://youtu.be/Z11cC8lP_kQ
Episode 3: https://youtu.be/0EpujNCtsEU
Don’t miss our next PTSO meeting. Wednesday, January 18th 6:30PM at the Fine Arts and Communications campus.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85453885830?pwd=NnFjQzgwVEd4ekc5ck5PMkFaQTNwdz09
Congratulations to our Nursing Pathway scholars on the completion of their coursework and clinical!! Read more: https://5il.co/1neoe
#richinstudentsuccess @rthsprincipals
A day to honor. A day to reflect. A day to celebrate.
Learn more about important information regarding AP Potential letters, Parent University and more.
Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. https://www.rich227.org/page/superintendents-message
Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3pEewXaX6s
*Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
Don’t miss our next PTSO meeting. Wednesday, January 18th 6:30PM at the Fine Arts and Communications campus.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85453885830?pwd=NnFjQzgwVEd4ekc5ck5PMkFaQTNwdz09
As a reminder, we will be hosting our second Parent University on Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9:00 AM-12:00PM at the STEM campus. Parents will engage in sessions that focus on mental, physical, emotional, and financial health and wellness as well as self-care and improved relationships.
Continental Breakfast and lunch provided. RSVP by January 16th and receive a gift for participation.
2023 Prom Information is here! Please use the links below to access the 2023 Prom Informational Letter as well as the Dress Code Presentation. Make sure you are Raptor Ready and we'll see you there!
Dress Code
As a reminder, we will be hosting our second Parent University on Saturday, January 21, 2023, 9:00 AM-12:00PM at the STEM campus. Parents will engage in sessions that focus on mental, physical, emotional, and financial health and wellness as well as self-care and improved relationships.
Continental Breakfast and lunch provided. RSVP by January 16th and receive a gift for participation.