Learn more about important information regarding the Food Pantry Grand Opening, Winter Home Game Protocols, and more. Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. https://www.rich227.org/page/superintendents-message Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: https://youtu.be/VoqcHjVHX6c *Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
about 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Weekly Update
Today’s Focus: Growth Reflections to Guide Your Journey Do you consider yourself courageous? Why or why not? Has there been a time where you presented great courage? What is one thing you can do today to show your courage? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
about 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 16, 2023
Attention Raptor Fans!! Get ready for an exciting winter sports season! Our teams have been training hard and are set to showcase their skills in a series of exciting games and matches. Don't miss the chance to cheer on our athletes as they compete in basketball, wrestling, and more. For those planning to attend the games, please make sure to review our home game protocols to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Come out, support our teams, and be a part of the thrilling action this winter! Home Game Protocols: https://5il.co/28zhp
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Home Game Protocols
Today’s Focus: Teams Reflections to Guide Your Journey When have you accomplished something with others that you could not have accomplished by yourself? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 15, 2023
Today’s Focus: Culture Reflections to Guide Your Journey How can you foster open and honest communication between team members? What is something you can do today to create a sense of community within your organization? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 14, 2023
Today’s Focus: Talent Reflections to Guide Your Journey What strategies have you used to protect your joy and not let naysayers affect your mood? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 13, 2023
Today’s Focus: Sustained Excellence Reflections to Guide Your Journey What challenges do you face in consistently living by your standard, and how can you overcome them? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 10, 2023
Join us tomorrow, Nov. 11th, for the Richton Park Veterans Day Memorial Ceremony at Rich Township High School's Fine Arts Campus, 12 PM. Celebrate with us live or online: https://youtube.com/live/8C-sv-AkIVQ?feature=share. @DrJohnnieThomas @VillageofRichtonPark
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Veterans Day Ceremony
Learn more about important information regarding Black Men Speak, Gratitude Luncheon, and more. Please read the following communication in its entirety for additional updates. https://www.rich227.org/page/superintendents-message Click here to watch this week's Superintendent Update: https://youtu.be/FWsseTxyP9k *Para obtener una copia traducida del mensaje semanal del Superintendente, visite nuestro sitio web y seleccione el idioma preferido de las opciones ubicadas arriba a la izquierda de la página.
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Weekly Update
AS A REMINDER: Don't miss tonight's PTSO meeting at 6:30 PM located at the District Office. There is an option for virtual attendance: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87218452634?pwd=dW1DSVFKQjhqeTZHZzNGWmVlZWlvdz09#success Email ptso@rich227.org for more details
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
PTSO Meeting
Our College & Career liaison are hosting FAFSA Workshops on November 15th, at the STEM Campus room 132, 3600 W. 203rd St. Olympia Fields. There are 2 different sessions. Students 10:00am to 12:30 pm Parents 6:00pm to 7:30pm Bring valid email address and social security card.
over 1 year ago, Tammy Gunby
Parent FAFSA Workshop
Student FAFSA Workshop
Today’s Focus: Growth Reflections to Guide Your Journey What is your proudest accomplishment? Who/what contributed to that success? How did that success impact your decisions moving forward? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 9, 2023
Today’s Focus: Teams Reflections to Guide Your Journey Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your current team. In what areas can your team improve its ability to prioritize the “we” over the “me”? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 8, 2023
Don't miss the upcoming PTSO meeting at Thursday, November 9th at 6:30 PM located at the District Office. There is an option for virtual attendance: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87218452634?pwd=dW1DSVFKQjhqeTZHZzNGWmVlZWlvdz09#success Email ptso@rich227.org for more details.
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
PTSO Meeting
Chef Camerron Dangerfield rocked WGN's Studio 41 Kitchen! 🍳🌟 As Rich Twp High School 227's new Culinary Guru, he's shaping future foodpreneurs with flair! Watch the segment below: https://wgntv.com/daytime-chicago/chef-camerron-dangerfield-shares-a-fall-fried-rice-recipe/
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Chef Cammeron Dangerfield
ATTENTION RAPTORS!! 2024 Prom Information has been posted: https://www.rich227.org/page/prom-information
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
2024 Prom Info
Today’s Focus: Culture Reflections to Guide Your Journey What role does communication play in maintaining and perpetuating cultural norms in everyday life? How can open dialogue help bridge cultural gaps and promote understanding? @drJohnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 7, 2023
Epic news from the speech tournament battleground! The stage at Joliet West was set, the audience was ready, and our Dramatic Duet Acting team from Rich Township High School rose spectacularly to the occasion, taking home the gold! 🎭✨ Congratulations! #richinstudnetsuccess
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
First Place
Rich Township High School presents the Black Men Speak series! Nov. 2023 through Jan. 2024. This guest speaker series encourages young men to look past their immediate environment and dream big! Below is the link to sign up to be a guest speaker. https://bit.ly/BlackMenSpeak
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
Black Men Speak
Today’s Focus: Talent Reflections How do your values shape your relationships with others, and have there been instances where you have had to make tough choices based on those values, even if it meant not achieving a victory? @DrJohnnieThomas @RTHS_Athletics @RTHSActivities
over 1 year ago, Rich Township High School District 227
November 6, 2023